Our Amenities

Guest basics are any items or comforts that guests may require during their stay but are unable to bring with them when travelling. Thus, we are providing cable tvs,double beds, reading table, clean toilets, bug free bedsheets and pillow protector. Other amenities like air conditioner, Wifi, Microwave, Free parking space and many more.








Opening Year


Happy Customers



Air Conditioner

Air Conditioner

It is a pleasant way to relax during your stay because we believe in efficacious and sustainable health care. An air conditioner offers chilly air within your house or enclosed space by eliminating hot weather from the indoor air. It returns chilled air to the interior while transferring undesired humidity and heat outside.

Room Service

Room Service

Our pleasure to serve you more than needed; it makes you feel more allegedly relaxed and serviceable. We are most careful in providing the amenities that people are glad to use, and we are grateful to provide the convenience.



A desirable and useful feature is added to make this motel more approachable as per your needs. We are giving the option to our customer to eat hot and fresh food, because we prefer the good health and hygiene.



Make sure you are connected to the world because we believe in communicating more and connecting to the world of information. Amenities Survey, the most desired in-room feature is free Wi-Fi. Furthermore, guests prioritise free Wi-Fi over privacy. As a result, it is evident that hotel guests value free internet connection more than anything else.

Parking Space

Parking Space

To provide safety and standards for your vehicles and improve your living. We provide free parking for buses, Rv, boats and trucks. We did not charge any extra amount for that; Angle parking, perpendicular parking, and parallel parking are the most prevalent styles of parking. parking in man needs the turning radius to be sufficient, and we here provide the basic criteria for the turning radius. so visitors can free approach the parking space easily.

Refrigerator with Freezer

Refrigerator with Freezer

An in-house refrigerator with a freezer gives you a more comfortable stay and gives you a choice of living. In-house efficiency is the most important feature in providing electrical appliances. We care about the optimisation and usage of the electric power supply.

Cable TV

Cable TV

We care for your entertainment, and the schedule shows that you will not miss it because of travelling.Standard television channels are available to stream, although some establishments pay extra for cable or satellite television services. With the development of portable media via tablet and smartphone gadgets, motels are having a more difficult time making revenue from in-room televisions. Though we are providing it for the leisure of the customers.

Group discount

Group discount

Bing bang discount on booking more than two rooms; you can call us and get your deal! When a consumer in a Discounted Group purchases products that are eligible for a reduction, the discount is immediately applied, lowering the room's overall selling price.

Major credit cards accepted

Major credit cards accepted

To make payment accessible and easy for customers. Merchant accounts are those that are affiliated with one of the four major card networks: Mastercard, América, American Express, and Discover. Or any type of card is accepted for easy and quick payment.

Smart key

Smart key

It is there for better service during emergency services or in case of a lost key. It is an important tool. In the hotel sector, a mobile key is a digital counterpart of a physical access control card that enables hotel guests to unlock their rooms or accommodation by just moving their phone near the the door's lock.

No smoking

No smoking

No smoking environment is given to give non-smokers a better atmosphere. We Install "No Smoking" signs to keep the air clean in a specific area. Tobacco smoking is linked to cancers, cardiovascular disease, stroke, lung disease, obesity, and chronic obstructive (COPD), including include bronchitis and emphysema. Smoking also raises the risk of TB, some eye illnesses, and immune system problems such as rheumatoid arthritis.